What is Yarn Punk?
Definition: A Yarn Punk is someone who incorporates yarn into their everyday life with confidence to express oneself.
Yarn Punk encapsulates more than just a style; It is a genre, mentality, a celebration of people, and an unfolding story. An old lady that is in bed by 7 with her yarn is a stereotype that many of us are too aware of (though if you ask me, that sounds pretty wonderful). However, for many that are involved in the fiber arts, that type of depiction doesn’t feel like “home”. I myself have found that stereotype endearing, but I never resonated with that view. This is a movement to show the world that individuals can be stitched up in different ways and our colors illuminate through the things that we create. Being comfortable to break the mold.
To me, being Punk is going against the mold and being true to oneself. In today’s ever growing age of tech, being seen with anything else besides something digital in our hands is unheard of; Yarn Punk is for those who wouldn’t want anything other than yarn in our hands.
There is a common association when you think of the word Punk and the look that follows; Yarn Punk does not fill a visible requirement. No certain sex, age, style, or race can exclude you from being part of this community. Yarn is cool, and as Yarn Punk, it is your moral responsibility to show that off to the world!
Let’s talk about the Rock ‘n’ Roll side of Yarn Punk. With a heavy emphasis on the importance of music and sound, we can all find some type of commonality with audio. As long as a certain sound (music and any audio of any kind) can evoke emotion, many of us connect in that way. You are in charge of what your Rock ‘n’ Roll truth is, and we will be keeping that alive through yarn forever and in the ages to come!
And with that, the rest of Yarn Punk is open to YOUR interpretation. Being a Yarn Punk allows for you to create a better you and to chase what brings you fulfillment, with yarn being that bridge to do so. Remember, just because someone may have a different style and do things a little bit differently, doesn’t mean that you aren’t equally as special. You are an equal to those who also call themselves a Yarn Punk. I am so happy to have you involved!
“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” – Mewtwo
Looking to meet new people who share the same loves as you? You can join our online communities! Head HERE to join the Yarn Punk Facebook group and HERE to join the Yarn Punk Subreddt r/yarnpunk – We talk anything yarn and audio!
If you feel like Yarn Punk resonates with you, show off your work and let the world know! On your socials, use the hashtag #yarnpunk to be seen and even for a chance to be featured on the Yarn Punk Instagram account (Which can be found HERE) and don’t forget to tag the @yarnpunk Instagram account as well.
Want to connect in real-time? I stream on Twitch! Come hang out in the Yarn Punk cybercafe as we listen to music and play with our yarn together!

Yarn Punk is expressive in an infinite number of ways, but you can also learn how to customize your own clothing by adding a flair of yarn punk to it with this free tutorial! Don’t forget to check out the other tutorials that will be coming along on the Yarn Punk Blog as well!

Submit Your Pattern On Our Blog!
Thank you for the interest in being a feature on the blog! I hope this can be a place for an idea of yours to shine.
We do ask that this will be a FREE pattern or tutorial. You will not be able to post this copy of the pattern or tutorial on your website, but you may do whatever you wish with it and you will still have the rights!
That means selling it is totally fine – we only ask this because Google can be quite stingy when it comes to duplicate content on the web, and we want your post to be seen as much as possible over time!