(This post was written on April 25, 2020. Thing’s in the world may have improved by the time you’re reading this, but regardless, it’s always worth learning crochet!)
I wont go into the current state of affairs of the world to begin this post, but more of us can agree that it’s honestly a horrible way to start the new decade. It really does hurt to be so powerless with everything going on and I have asked myself often “What can I possibly do?” And I realize I currently can’t stop everything from happening and working on our own health may be the most important thing right now (and of course, staying home!!)
However, there’s one thing that I DO think you can do for yourself is picking up crochet! (This also counts for knitting, but I am not a pro in that field so I will reference these fiber arts as crochet) There are a tremendous amount of benefits that can come from the craft and in a time where many of us are stuck at home, working on their mental health, and just don’t know what to do, there is something for anybody.
A disclaimer: Any fiber arts are meant to be enjoyed by ANYBODY regardless of gender, race, age, etc. There is a lot of stereotypes behind crochet and it’s important to not let those opinions affect your decision to try it out. As a male who crochets (25, started at 21!) it’s a stereotype that you come across daily.
Down below, you can read some of the reasons why I think it’s worth your time to pick up crochet through my own personal experience. If you already know how to, what has it done for you? Let me know in the comments section below!
You Can Become a Yarn Punk!
There’s a new genre/subculture that’s quickly rising, and that’s Yarn Punk! I am not quite sure what you think of the title Crocheter or Knitter, but a Yarn Punk is a title for anyone who expresses themselves through yarn can be! While the name may insist that it looks “a certain way”, that is not the case. Using yarn to express yourself is where the beginning of the term occurs. But the “Punk” behind it is the mentality! You are allowed to go against the norm and have fiber be a part of your identity. Whether your style is all cute and neutral colors, spooky and rainbows, it doesn’t matter. The spectrum of Yarn Punk is ever growing!
You can learn more about Yarn Punk and it’s definitions HERE

It’s Great for Mindfulness
With our constant intake of media and other responsibilities of life, it can be difficult to find a way to really be present and mindful. (I know I have a hard time directing my attention one way for too long or just enjoying the presence of my thoughts!) But this craft is a perfect way to keep your hands busy while you are able to learn to be comfortable in your own head space. It can become quite meditative for any mood that you may be in. From personal experience, I know my mental health has been impacted in a positive way.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of crafting with yarn and mental health, you can check out this more in depth article here!
Be Productive While You Watch Tv
It’s easy to become super unproductive. Sometimes you don’t want to exert a lot of brain energy into something and I totally understand that. One common way to divert our attention is to watch TV! I love watching TV but after a few hours of sitting there, I start to feel unproductive or that my time could be sued else where. With crochet, you can be productive while enjoying your favorite shows! Who knows what type of project you can finish after a few episodes or even a whole season! Find a mindless project that will allow you to still focus on what’s at hand! I have some travel projects that are great for this type of thing here!
There’s Confidence When You’re Able to Create
There is no other feeling than finishing a project of any kind, and in this case, something crocheted! Being able to look at what you finished and know that your feelings and hands crafted something can’t be beaten. Of course that feeling fades away until you make something else, but you still have that sense of confidence that you know how to create. When someone asks what I like to do, I always feel a sense of pride when I tell them I am able to create with yarn!
So Many Options for Projects
I wanted to learn how to crochet for a long time, but I was able to give up because I wasn’t drawn to blankets enough.. (I thought that’s the only thing crochet could make) but when I learned you could make dolls, it became my driving force. There are so many options when it comes to crochet, and here’s a list of things you can make:
- Amigurumi (Dolls and Plushies!)
- Scarves
- Clothing (Sweaters, shirts, cardigans, shorts, pants, etc.)
- Yarn Punk Clothing (Up-cycling your clothing by attaching yarn to your clothing!)
- Accessories
- Home decor
And really anything that your imagination can conjure up!
You Can Even Make Money From It!
Of course you don’t have to turn your hobbies into a money maker, but the possibility is there if you want to pursue it! There are a number of ways you can earn some extra money from the craft: by selling physical product online (and markets when those can happen again!), selling digital patterns if you like to design, starting a blog, custom orders, etc.!
You can check out this blog post for an in-depth breakdown of all the ways to do so!
It’s a Great Apocalyptic Skill
When things need to be made and it’s hard to get to the store during hard times or money is tight, crochet is a skill that will be great to have! Being able to create your own clothes and even blankets to keep warm will be helpful. Even if you don’t crochet all the time, it may be helpful when the time comes! Of course, we aren’t in Apocalyptic times, but you can never be too sure.
Is there something I missed? Please let me know below!
I loved this post! I’m very much a beginning crocheter and tbh I look at some of the stuff I crochet and want to give up because it looks like a mess, but this post was a good reminder about why it’s worth sticking with it. Your blog is amazing!
I wanna say this article says it it all. Thank you for what you do.
Hi Vincent nice to meet you and everyone here!
How do I even start? I signed up and was very excited for a live class from a super cool director at my local library, but his class is cancelled indefinitely. I’ve tried learning from youtube, but a lot of the instructors are going super fast and really don’t explain things well. I keep starting over, but I’m not getting anywhere. After several hours I stop from frustration. Can you or anyone suggest which youtube video beginner instructors to follow and learn from that are actually teaching from beginning?? I keep getting crochet stitch guides, crochet patterns books, and yarn for gifts. I even have joined a few crochet daily emails, but still haven’t learned from them. I’ve been wanting to learn for years and feel sad that I’ve not had the opportunity to actually learn. I’ve got a lot of yarn, saved crochet patterns on my computer, and I’m still really wanting to learn.
Hi! I am so sorry that it’s been such a struggle to learn and to get a hold of resources that can help you.. Youtube wise, everyone teaches a little differently so you’ll have to try them out! I’ll be offering virtual classes one on one if that interests you 🙂