If you don’t feel like reading the entirety of this blog post, here are the direct links on how to get started on your own Polar Penguin! Click the text to find them.

It’s that time of year again when holidays are all on our radar and it’s time to put our foot on the gas and head into them full speed! At the time of writing this, Halloween is still coming up (if you want to find all of my Halloween amigurumi patterns, you can head HERE to find the full round up of all of them!) but I know for a lot of people, Christmas is something that many are prepping for.
This is especially true for Lion Brand Yarn! Over on their corner of the internet, they’re hosting their Countdown to Xmas with a variety of new Christmas patterns that come in kits for you to get started on!
You can find clothing and some fun décor – However, I decided to go the amigurumi route, which shouldn’t be surprising for some of my avid readers!
Most of my dolls are typically on the smaller side but to make this project stand out, I have decided to go the jumbo route. Jumbo amigurumi has been the latest trend and I wanted to hop onto it with the Lion Brand Go for Faux Yarn.
And I want to make it clear – Penguins are loved all year round! The yarn may be extra warm but this project is a great choice for any occasion.

So with that said, this is my Polar Penguin! The fur really does make this doll feel pretty lifelike in comparison to my normal work.
Already convinced to get started? Click any of these links to find the pattern!

The go for faux yarn is a ton of fun to use.. when you get used to it. The stitches can be a bit difficult to see at first but over time, when you can sort of feel the stitches when working in them, it becomes a ton of fun and the feeling on your fingers is a welcomed one from the classic acrylic yarns many of us are accustom to. This should be known before starting – if you want to get started on the full kit of my Polar Penguin!
However, if you don’t want to order everything everything all at once, you can find the singular pattern in my Etsy shop (both light and dark modes) and my Ravelry! All links below, enjoy!