I’m sure we’ve all been there; we are on a roll with our fiber art, enthusiasm and motivation is through the charts and we finish a project or still working on one and then bam, the lull. This ESPECIALLY happens right after the holidays, that period between the 26th to the 31st that is such an awkward limbo. When it seems like all your motivation is waiting for the new year and the creative juices are just reduced to a zero. It unfortunately happens too many times to the creative community and it’s a shame. I’m sure we’re are all left with the question, “What do I do now?” Well, I took to the community to ask for their insight about what they do in these types of slumps (We had a discussion over on the Yarn Punk Facebook Group, head here to join!)
Down below you will find some suggestions about what fellow crafters do to remedy this problem! Have your own go-to ways of fixing this problem that you don’t see here? Leave a comment below!
“When the motivation is lacking, I move over to what inspires me the most; putting my headphones on and playing video games and/or watching anime! Immersing into someone else’s art always gives me a good kick and some time for the creative side of my brain to recharge” – Vincent Green-Hite
I revisit old patterns I pinned on Pinterest but never got around to trying them. If not I try to relax and sooner or later inspiration hits me. – Marlen Hernandez Alaniz
When I feel like that, I like to work on other crafts to keep my creative juices pumping. Or do something for me not for demand. Sometimes it’s more of the pressure you feel to keep having something new and you forget why you do what you do in the first place. Then you have a clear vision for something new. – Aracely Figueroa Hernandez
When I get in a designer slump I always fall back to testing for other designers. We are a community not competitors and we have to work together to create the best designs for our community. – Cindie Bennett
I check out home decor blogs for things I can make. $80 for that pillow? Please, I’ve got enough yarn in my stash to make 5. Inspiration accomplished! – Angela Wasiloff
When I’m in a slump and feel burnt out, I keep crocheting small stuff! Even if it’s just a few simple single crochet washcloths, the mindless work gives my brain time to relax! – Casey McCrystal
I go to work on a Different Hobby. That re-inspires me. – Granualie MüllerGranualie!
When I lose my crojo, I make something for charity (hats for the homeless, blankets for the animal shelter, etc). While I’m working on that, usually something starts rattling around in my brain that sparks my interest again. *And it makes me feel good to do good for other souls. – Julia Sumpter
I never only have one project going at a time, my concentration span is crap, so I tend to switch between projects a lot – Rebecca Butler
I step away from whatever it is I’m making. I generally try and learn a new crochet stitch or skill to reignite my enthusiasm. – Alison McIntosh
When I feel burnout from my crocheting I go back to what my son loves: playing with the Amigurumis! – Jennifer Orengo
I have found I’m in a funk when I’m in my comfort zone. I can almost always get out of my funk when I try a new project that I would normally be afraid of doing. Learning new stitches and patterns can be scary sometimes but I feel SO accomplished once I realize I CAN do it! I feel great about it then want to make something even more! – Jessica Wills
Let me know what helps YOU when you’re in a funk! I hope you found these tips by fellow crafters to be helpful and your motivation soars through this next season of your life!
What I do to get out of the funk, is take a break from social media. I mean yeah, I still check it (obviously), but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel overwhelmed at times trying to keep up with posting something every day. So, for now I have no intention in posting any pictures until the new year. I need a break, my mind needs a break, and crocheting just for fun without trying to turn it into a pretty picture is just what I need.
I go to Pinterest or Ravelry for all those pins and favorites I haven’t gotten around to. I often choose something to use up my leftovers, but sometimes, it is all new and requires new yarn. New yarn is always inspiring.
I usually find my slump when I get stuck in a pattern or a new stitch. I’ve put a lot of things aside in the past, left unfinished. But lately, with the help of needlecraft groups online, Youtube, and Pinterest, I’ve totally been able to overcome that hurdle. Love your site, keep up the good work!