Hi! It’s me! I’ve been in Vietnam for almost a month now and have met so many incredible people on this trip that I am grateful to know are out there. Although there is a massive language barrier, hearts speak even louder than words. I am completely inspired and enveloped by it all.
My good friend Bizz, the kind soul showing us around this incredible country, introduced me to his friends that take the time out of their days and nights to prepare home cooked meals and hand deliver these meals to the homeless living on the streets in Vietnam! I was asked to tag along, and although I had some jitters and no clue what that would be like, I couldn’t say no.
Driving to the meeting spot across town, I was greeted by 6 other people with bags of meals and motorbikes. I showed up with empty hands and they soon became full with bags of food and I found my self on the back of a motorbike with a complete stranger, across the world, in Saigon, Vietnam. It felt so cosmic. We drove around and whenever we saw someone in need, we would stop as a group, someone would run over with some food, and the feeling you received seeing these people smile from such a small gesture was earth shattering. My heart was and still remains full just from donating an hour of my time. It was so thrilling keeping my eyes peeled for anyone in need, I so badly wanted to be the one to give the food away! As my bag grew lighter, I wish I had more to give.
After all was done, we went out for drinks and I still was baffled that this happened. Have you ever done something so random you are just kind of left in disbelief? You can’t quite digest it all on the spot? Well that was me. Grinning ear to ear. I was helping.
The next day, I had the honor of meeting all the people behind the scenes! Here is the team of people spending their time and money just to make strangers that are less fortunate than them smile. How unbelievably selfless.
Overall, this experience has been so incredibly insightful. It’s reassuring to me that people aren’t always out to come out ahead, but rather, to help those who are behind. Thank you all for taking the time to read this short passage from my experience over here in Vietnam. I only gave up about 2 hours of my time, but it has changed my perspective and made other people’s days. Can you believe that? Only 2 hours! Just a second of your time can change the world one smile at a time 🙂
What about you? Have you experienced something like this? Share your story and let me know! I’m inspired by all of you 🙂